As women we go above and beyond for others. We focus on the well-being of our families, friends, jobs, organizations and many other causes. We give our time, money and energy. We give, give, give.
Being givers, we tend to prioritize everything and everyone but ourselves, often neglecting our mental, physical and financial health. This is even more on display during this time of “working from home”, “schooling from home”, anxiety and uncertainty about the future.
Take time out to focus on YOU for a couple of hours.
SATURDAY APRIL 18 | MAY 2 | MAY 16 @ 12 PM
Each live event will include a panel presentations/discussion, Q&A session, virtual shopping mall, and yes! A live DJ to end the event. So, join us from wherever you are - in bed, on the sofa, at the kitchen table, front porch or the pool with your favorite drink and a snack!
Please spread the word! Share with your co-workers, friends and family.
Here’s How you will

Reclaim who you truly are by getting back to YOU. Learn how to take time to reflect and center yourself through discussions on mental health and emotional/spiritual health.
Become more In tune with your mental health. Improve your awareness and recognize when & where to get help.
Prioritize your emotional health by gaining an understanding of when to decompress if you are overwhelmed and stressed. Get in touch with your mind, body and soul on a spiritual level.

Rebalance your financial and physical health with our expert panelists who will enlighten and challenge us to be financially empowered and improve our physical health.
Learn what you should be focused on from a financial standpoint. How do we better understand finances and its impact on our mental & physical health. How do we plan wisely in each phase of our lives.
Address your physical health. Exercise, nutrition, benefits of a healthy lifestyle, cooking tips, Red Wine, etc .

Reset and change your perspective. Enjoy a new outlook, focus and actionable goals for your life in a panel discussion and Q&A session designed to have you learn practical and actionable tips.
Learn how to go after what you desire. Today is a new day.
Focus on where you are and where you want to be.
Set attainable and rewarding Personal and professional goals.
Meet our guest panelists & hosts
This year’s conference will feature experts in mental & physical health, mentoring, and finances. They were carefully chosen to speak to this year’s theme of Reclaim, Rebalance, Reset.
Shop the JWOF Virtual Mall!
SHOPPING! Shopping! Shopping!
Below, please view the list (in no specific order) of some of our most popular vendors, who over the years have supported the Jamaican Women of Florida events and particularly, our annual conferences, offering their wide range of exciting products.
This year, despite the challenge we all face in the Corona Virus Pandemic, these vendors have once again decided to support us and be a part of our virtual conference as together we battle the ‘new norm’ of life in this pandemic.
Please take time to browse their websites for their wonderful range of product offerings. And please, feel free to purchase if the mind gives you to do so.