VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Panelist, Ruth Lawrence

Ruth A. Lawrence

Ruth Lawrence, Empowerment Specialist and Life Speaker, has spent over a decade of giving her life to servicing her country in the area of youth development.

Her passion for service found her utilizing her talents in the fine arts, children, youth, and outreach ministries at church. It was this same passion to serve both her church and community which contributed to her being awarded the Prime Minister’s Youth Award for Excellence (Jamaica’s highest National Honor for Youth) in the year 2011. Ruth is a former Youth Ambassador to the United Nations General Assembly and has represented Jamaica overseas in countries of Latin America, Caribbean, Europe and the continent of Africa.

She holds a Post Graduate Certificate from the Entrepreneurship Institute of India, in Empowering Women in Entrepreneurship. She is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, Mona where she completed her Bachelor of Science in Management Studies (Marketing). She also holds local, regional and international certification from; Ministry of Health, Ebert Stiftung, CARICOM, UWI Open Campus, UNFPA, UN-Women, UNESCO among others.

It should be noted that Ruth is intimately involved in youth development through the Ministry of Education, Youth & Information, Youth & Adolescents Policy Division, as a Youth Empowerment Officer and Students Governance Coordinator for the Students’ Council and Prefects’ Association, empowering over 5,000 secondary student leaders annually.

Ruth is a dedicated Christian, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, youth development practitioner who enjoys travelling, reading personal development books, listening to inspirational podcasts and just spending time with her close friends and family.

Her favorite bible scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all your way, acknowledge HIM and He will direct your path.”