Benefits of A JWOF Membership
A JWOF membership is an investment in yourself, young Jamaican women and the Jamaican community as a whole. Your dues assist with the charitable work that JWOF does. We strive to foster this investment through career and educational development, charitable partnerships, mentoring and participation in cultural educational activities.
“JWOF offers sisterhood and service. The former for friendship, fun, food, fetes, laughter, warmth and support. The latter to fulfill our moral obligations, although it is our pleasure to give aid in big and small ways for the betterment of others.”
Membership Options
Any 1st or 2nd generation Jamaican woman residing in Florida is eligible for regular membership, to vote and to hold office
Any person or student interested in promoting the objectives of JWOF and any other person not eligible for regular membership. Associate members are not entitled to hold office, vote, or participate in the election of officers and/or Executive Board members of JWOF.