2025 WEC Speaker Vice Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman

Vice Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman

Vice Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman assumed command of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) on 22 January 2022 when she was appointed the Chief of Defence Staff. As the Force Executive Officer, she provided oversight of the Force transformation process, and led the development of the Force Strategic Defense Review 2021–2030. She directed the development of Force policies that supports the inclusion and opportunities for servicewomen. Those include the Force Gender Optimization Policy, the Maternity Policy and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy.

Vice Admiral Wemyss-Gorman completed Initial Officer Training at the Britannia Royal Naval College, United Kingdom and is an alumni of the United States Naval War College. She also holds a Master’s Degree with distinction in National Security and Strategic Studies from the University of the West Indies. She is currently the Vice Chancellor of the Caribbean Military Academy which has been established in the JDF to deliver Military professional education in the Region.

Significant command appointments include Commanding Office of His Majesty’s Jamaica (HMJ) Ships, Commandant of the Caribbean Military Maritime Training Center, Commanding Officer of the Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard, Brigade Commander of the Maritime Air and Cyber Command and Force Executive Officer.

Vice Admiral Wemyss-Gorman’s mantra is “how you do anything, is how you do everything”.