BLOG - JWOF's Virtual Conference Series - RESET


Is outside open yet?  How much longer? What do I do while I wait? Questions we are all asking. What’s awesome about this ‘gift’ of time is the opportunity to change your personal and/or professional perspective. It’s the perfect time to enjoy a new outlook, a new focus, a great time to reset. 

Awareness is the first step in this path.  How do you know that it’s time to reset? Introducing JWOF member, Natalee Clarke-Richards, author of Love Out Loud, an authentic reflection, a story of her journey towards being a “Beautiful, Powerful, Confident, Inspirational, Visionary, Creator and Leader” by resetting herself.   

We all have a story, Natalee says, and in speaking with her, she admits hers might not be all that unfamiliar.  Beginning with a story that many of us can relate to in our own experiences, it’s about an adult speaking negativity into a developing young lady’s life.  

Summarizing…Natalee is a proud high school student.  This day she’s on her way to find medication for relief from painful menstrual cramps and is stopped in the hallway by her principal (headmistress). The principal’s words …stop being a nuisance, you’re not going to die.  What Natalee heard was, I’m a nuisance, a story that followed her through high school and well into her thirties until she discovered how to reset. Natalee fondly calls this process hiding behind yourself. How did Natalee reset?  That’s all in her book …go get it!

Time for self-reflection.  It’s your memories of things that happen to you, usually in childhood or your teen years, that have impacted the way you may perceive information today. Are you hiding? 

Saturday, May 16, 2020, is the time to reset in the final session of the three-part series in the Jamaican Women of Florida (JWOF’s) virtual conference.  Meet the panelists who will share their expertise in child development, technology and, entrepreneurism, leaving you with strategies on how to start.

You’ll enjoy moderated discussions by another host extraordinaire, the one, the only Dr. Sue, a Professor Emeritus and HR/Organizational Leadership Consultant. She also writes, performs and is a sought after, keynote and motivational speaker.  Her personal catch phrase is “British by birth, Jamaican by choice and American by naturalization”.  Susan Lycett Davis’ extensive and diverse work and life experiences makes her delivery rich, humorous, and educational. 

Following the discussion, help us honor three additional JWOF’s scholarship recipients. Then get your favorite drink and dancing moves for the happy”her” hour.  Plan to browse, and purchase from hand-selected vendors; the best from Jamaica and here locally.  

It’s free! It’s virtual! Make it a date!  Join by registering at or continue with us, no further registration required at the final of JWOF’s  Virtual Women’s Empowerment Conference three-part series.

Missed the first two sessions? The must-hear recordings will be available to you upon registration HERE

Likkle more!
Camille Edwards,
Past President, Jamaican Women of Florida

Karen Vick