Transformation Forum Panelist - Sasha Dunn Belizaire


Sasha Dunn Belizaire is a District Merchant for Macy's District covering North and South Carolina and Virginia and supports the Macy’s brand by focusing on sales and profit for accessories and shoes in some 15 stores within her designated area in the Southern USA.

Her overall responsibilities are extended to include merchandise execution, sales techniques, and communication. She works tirelessly carrying a hectic work schedule to cover a wide range of business ethics and standards influencing sales and profit; consumer and marketing effects on retail; and merchandise execution processes. This, she stressed, cannot be achieved without teamwork, customer service, communication techniques and, talent development as she conducts regular training for her subordinates to improve sales and results in an extremely competitive industry.

After graduating from University of Florida (UF) in 2013, majoring in Advertising and Business, Ms. Dunn Belizaire joined the Macy’s Company in South Florida as a Sales Manager, pursuing professional passion in the fashion industry.  Her drive for innovation, determination and work hard ethics were evidence for early promotion to Merchant Manager and then District Merchant.   Within the last six months, her life took a positive outlook as she now became married; and her recent promotion created an opportunity to move to Virginia.

Ms. Dunn Belizaire attributes her ambitious career growth to her mentors in management positions at Macy’s who helped to mold her development personally and professionally.  More so, she also credits her mother as a great influence in her life. The oldest of three girls, she credits her divorced mother’s strength in raising the female trio as a single parent and the positive effect her mother portrayed while maintaining her own personal life and career.

Her passion for the fashion industry is only one aspect that drives her.  While resident in South Florida, Ms. Dunn Belizaire dedicated her time to ‘Partners in Time’, a community help program coordinated by Macy’s staff to give back to the community.  She is passionate about this project providing and sharing quality time with mothers and children in less fortunate circumstances. This ambitious young executive continues to seek self-growth opportunities while she encourages young people aspiring to executive level positions to come to a job with a positive attitude, adaptable, open-minded, a great work ethic and enthusiasm.  As a leader in a large company, this task-monger tries to balance her work and family life. Now this married couple is exploring new ventures outside of work to enjoy and shape their union. Congratulations as they enjoy a great and lifelong future!