2021 WEC Speaker, David Mullings

Marcia Barry-Smith

David Mullings will be hosting a segment titled Financial Elevation primarily on the Jamaican stock market.  He will go over investing in Jamaica, retirement planning, and related topics.

David Mullings has been described by many as a visionary. He pushed himself to learn more, and break down barriers. From humble beginnings in Jamaica to becoming the founder of Blue Mahoe Capital Partners Inc., he has always challenged himself to be the best at what he does.  Most recently he also worked as an Investor Relations Specialist for Left Brain Capital Management a hedge fund based in Naperville Illinois which was ranked top 10 emerging hedge funds by Opalesque. He is a board member of Fundblackfounders.com, an Advisory Board member for both the Development Bank of Jamaica Mentorship Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program and the Google.org-funded Caribbean School of Data at the Mona School of Business and Management, University of the West Indies. He is also a mentor for the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship-Caribbean based in Kingston, Jamaica.
He graduated with an M.B.A. from the University of Miami in Marketing and International Business after working and playing football (soccer) with Real Mona F.C. in Jamaica.